With the aim of identifying and exploring effective approaches to promoting quality employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, the Expert Group Meeting on Promoting Inclusive Employment for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific was organized virtually on 29 and 30 July 2021.
The meeting brought together experts from Asia-Pacific governments, persons with diverse disabilities and their representative organizations, civil society organizations, private sector organizations, United Nations entities and other international organizations to conduct the following activities:
1) Analyse the design and implementation of disability-related employment promotion frameworks, instruments, systems and interventions at the legislative, policy, programmatic and institutional levels;
2) Study models of partnerships between governments, organizations of persons with disabilities, civil society organizations and private sector organizations that effectively promote employment for persons with disabilities;
3) Facilitate exchange of good practices and experiences in promoting the rights and needs of persons with diverse disabilities in accessing and maintaining employment; and
4) Explore recommendations to further empower persons with disabilities in the evolving world of work, including in the context of technological advancements and new work modalities in the post-COVID world.
For more information, please visit: https://www.unescap.org/events/2021/expert-group-meeting-promoting-inclusive-employment-persons-disabilities-asia-and