Indicator 7.3

Table A20
Accessible emergency shelters and disaster relief sites

Country or area Emergency shelters and disaster relief sites
Total number % of accessible shelters and disaster relief sites
Georgia 105 0.0
Hong Kong, China 57 42.1
Macao, China 2 100.0
Micronesia (Federated States of) 32 25.0
Mongolia 387 ...
Republic of Korea 1,536 52-66
Singapore 580 100.0

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Explanatory notes on data sources and collection methods (as reported by governments)

Georgia (data refer to the numbers of usable emergency shelters of Legal Entity of Public Law Emergency Management Agency under the Ministry of Internal Affairs); Macao, China (based on two site visits of the Centre of Refuge for Victims of Disaster at Ilha Verde, and Taipa and Coloane Social Service Centre; Nov. 2016; Social Welfare Bureau;); Micronesia, Federated States of (source and method unspecified); Mongolia (National Emergency Management Agency, Disaster Research Institute. Note: Currently, it is not possible to evaluate the accessibility of shelter houses during the disaster; therefore, this issue needs to be further studied); Republic of Korea (data refer to designated nationwide earthquake relief sites in Dec. 2016; Policy Data Center’s online site under the Ministry of Public Safety and Security; Complete Enumeration Survey on Installation of Convenience Facilities for Persons with Disabilities, 2013 by Ministry of Health and Welfare. Note: Estimated proportions of appropriately installed convenience facilities in percentage for all sites covering education or research facilities, including school and gymnasium, facilities for older persons (including senior citizen centres and community welfare centres), religious facility and first-type neighbourhood living facilities, including community service centres, public buildings, including school and community service centres, which are designated as emergency shelters or disaster relief sites; although the data on the accessibility of emergency shelters or disaster relief sites were not available, the accessibility of all public buildings, including those designated as emergency shelters or disaster relief sites, is assessed by the Survey on the Installation of Convenience Facilities for Disabled Persons). Singapore (data refer to shelters in various locations, including schools, community clubs, subways, housing and development board. Note: Singapore Civil Defence Force conducts audits on the overall operational readiness of Singapore's emergency public shelters on such components as ensuring fire safety escape routes are unobstructed). Turkey (data were not available; in accordance with Construction Zoning Law and other relevant codes, shelters should be compatible, among others, with conditions and needs of persons with disabilities; accessibility audits, assigned to Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, have not been implemented yet).

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