How Many Countries Have Ratified the CRPD in Asia and the Pacific?

As of 31 December 2017, 43 Governments in Asia-Pacific had ratified the CRPD. Fiji is the most recent ESCAP member State to join in ratifying the CRPD.

The table shows the status of the ratifications and signatures updated as of 31 December 2017.

CRPD signatures and ratifications in the Asia-Pacific region

Subregion Signed Ratified
No. of countries % No. of countries %
East and North-East Asia 4 80 5 100
South-East Asia 9 82 10 91
South and South-West Asia 8 80 9 90
North and Central Asia 7 78 6 67
Pacific 10 67 13 87
Total 38 76 43 86


Optional Protocol signatures and ratifications in the Asia-Pacific region

Subregion Signed Ratified
No. of countries % No. of countries %
East and North-East Asia 0 0 1 20
South-East Asia 1 9 1 9
South and South-West Asia 2 20 4 40
North and Central Asia 4 44 2 22
Pacific 2 13 4 27
Total 9 18 12 24


CRPD signatures and ratifications of the world by region (%)

Region Signed Ratified
ESCAP 76 86
ESCWA 76 88
ECE 93 89
ECLAC 88 94
ECA 75 87

Click here for more details of the regional status on the CRPD ratification and signature

For the global information:

Make the Right Real! webpage has been developed in close collaboration with the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (APCD), APCD website: